Pilsen unveils 3 weekends of special offers for tourists and locals

Pilsen unveils 3 weekends of special offers for tourists and locals

Pilsen unveils 3 weekends of special offers for tourists and locals

It has partnered up with hoteliers and cultural institutions to provide visitors with discounted rates and free admissions to attractions

On 3 January, the Czech City of Pilsen revealed that it has collaborated with the Pilsen Tourist Board, hoteliers, and cultural institutions to launch a new programme for tourists and residents. Thanks to “Pilsen Hotel Nights”, visitors and locals will now have the opportunity to purchase special packages offering discounted prices on overnight stays as well as free admissions to several tourist attractions.

Three weekends of offers

The “Pilsen Hotel Nights” experience will be available on three weekends over the next three months. That is, foreign and domestic tourists can take advantage of lower prices on 21-23 January, 25-27 February, and 25-27 March. To secure discounted rates on these weekends, Pilsen joined forces with 17 hoteliers and guesthouses in the city.

Those who purchase the special packages and choose to spend a night or weekend in these hotels will also benefit from other bonuses, such as free entry vouchers and further discounts. More specifically, they will receive free admission to Adolf Loos’ interiors, Patton Memorial Pilsen Museum and West Bohemian Gallery. Beyond this, they can also receive a 25% discount on tickets for the tour of Plzensky Prazdroj. 

Allowing locals to be tourists in their own cities

In a press release by the municipality, the Director of the Pilsen – TOURISM organisation Zuzana Koubíková reminded locals that the city’s hotels are not just for tourists. Instead, one can book a night or two to get away from home and their everyday routines. Discussing the idea behind “Pilsen Hotel Nights”, Koubíková explained:

“We want to provide visitors and tourists […] with an exceptional experience of Pilsen and its diverse cultural offer. But we are also thinking of the people of Pilsen themselves. Pilsen hotels are here all year round for them as well. Going to the hotel’s wellness centre, for a weekend brunch or to take a break from worries and enjoy a weekend in a hotel in your own city is great.”

Finally, Koubíková shared that the programme also seeks to help hoteliers and cultural institutions recover from the damage done by the outbreak of COVID.